Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010


Fnord if by sea, if by sea you mean air.


Fnord if by air, if by air you mean sea.


Fnord if by air, if by air you mean sea. Fnord if by sea, if by sea you mean air.

Developed from Carlton Hibbert's Patterns for Colouring

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Unsaid fnord cannot go. Developed from Carlton Hibbert's Patterns for Colouring


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The fnord award is not a golden apple. Developed from Carlton Hibbert's Patterns for Colouring



An allusion to the stone that remains after the fnord. Developed from Carlton Hibbert's Patterns for Colouring


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


An allusion to all that remains after the fnord. Developed from Carlton Hibbert's Patterns for Colouring


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Katama Bay

After reading Bridge at Chappaquiddick by Jack Olsen, I looked up the area on Google Maps and discovered this lovely composition & confluence of colors. Here is a set of six: one satellite foto of Katama Bay, plus 5 variations stylized with Virtual Painter. These hi-res images are suitable for printing large. Best viewed full-size for texture.

Friday, August 13, 2010

RESPONSE: The Thing About Sondra London

Hello, it's me! Yes, The Real Sondra London (tm). I enjoyed today's post found at; the style is entertaining, though the piece is marred by the usual inaccuracies. Now I'd like to make a couple of emendations to the record. I've written more characters than the 4,096 allowed for a comment in reply to a post, so I am just going to post this to my own blog.

Mine has been an example of a mythos that is much more widely known than my actual identity. Very few people (yourself, perhaps?) have actually read my books or the selected case studies I have posted to the web at My last three books were published by Feral House, and although FH has an excellent reputation for quality, you won't see them spending one dime on publicity, advertising, promotion. So within all the giddy hoopla there is actually something real that can be sought, found, and learned from; and yet, the silly stuff calling me a groupie and suggesting I get off on violence is what is bruited about, not without prurience on the part of das bruiters.

Schaefer was my boyfriend 1964-65 and he was a strikingly handsome boy from a prosperous family, attended mass every day, belonged to country club & yacht club. It took him about a year to confide in me his morbid urges. I was not afraid of him because he only showed me his presentable side. These episodes were breakdowns, and I was just a kid. Not a therapist. The term serial killer had yet to be coined and the very idea was unthinkable. I was uncomfortable spending my recreational time this way. I met a new guy and off I went.

I spent most of my life otherwise; fronted my own reggae band for 12 years, went from paralegal to technical writer, and by 1989 I had an office full of equipment that allowed me to do desktop publishing -- another term that was not yet coined. [When I started the Atlanta Desktop Publishers Assn. in 1985, there were a total of five of us. Within two years it was more like 200 and I had already dropped out.]

It was sort of a midlife crisis. Technical writing was boring and I didn't get to put my name on it. I'm like, SO! This is it? This is my life? If I do this really well, I'll get to do more of it! (Lather, rinse, repeat)

I started looking around for ideas of something I could write about so I could recalibrate the vector of this thing called a career: this opportunity to DO SOMETHING INTERESTING. I looked at the TV. I looked at the TV Guide. Then, as now, more than half of the words were about crime: killers & murder. Not illogically, I concluded that this was the subject that was of more interest to my culture than anything else.

I picked up the Ann Rule book about Ted Bundy and observed it was not very well written. (Ann later told me she spent 13 years writing before she could get published.) She claims in the book she knew Ted IRL. (Godfather of True Crime Jack Olsen later told me he had seen a copy of her book that Ted Himself (tm) had annotated, saying that he had NEVER met her; that they did work the same rape hotline but ON DIFFERENT SHIFTS). But I digress. [Hey. It happens. My life has not been a one-liner.]

"Shoot," I said. (Nice Southern Girl from a Good Family) "I can write better than that already, and I knew a serial killer a LOT more than she did!"

That was the reason I wrote to Schaefer in prison. So I could break out of technical writing and into being a "published author."

There was NO morbid fascination, NO "looking for love," NO real interest in crime or murder or prison, none of that. It was just my way of changing careers.

To drop back a bit for a moment: I graduated in the Charter Class of New College of Florida with a B.A. in literature. This was a unique intellectual environment in which we were challenged to think for ourselves. We learned how to structure our independent studies. The relevance of this background is that when I contacted Schaefer in 1989, I knew that to study any phenomenon, you could not just study one exemplar. You would have to go from the particular to the general in order to place your main case into context.

I also knew I had to master the literature, and I contacted the FBI asking for assistance in debriefing Schaefer. My query came before Silence of the Lambs made the Behavioral Science Unit famous. So it was my good fortune that Roy Hazelwood Himself (tm) became my personal mentor. He told me what to read. He sent me FBI monographs. He came to my house; he interviewed me and I interviewed him. (I will post that interview in a minute.)

So I read all the textbooks, I opened personal dialogs with the foremost experts, and I proceeded to learn much more than I ever wanted to, not just about the mind of the modern serial killer (my stated intention) but about law enforcement, the good, the bad & the corrupt; the judicial process; and the hypocrisy exemplified by mortality as a dramatic device. Perhaps because I am a bit of an Aspie, I didn't come from the same place as your neurotypicals who were doing this as a way of making money. I was all about studying and learning and publishing my research myself, sans redaction, sans commercialization. It was a revelation to me to learn about how the whole prurience thing drives the use of violence to heighten interest in a story. But like Bennet Cerf, by the time I learned that, I had already made quite a name for myself with this scary disgusting stuff and it was too late to quit.

The thing with Schaefer-the-Convict had nothing to do with romance. It was a case study, chosen and used as a way for me to become an author. It could have been anything. Sailing. Embroidery. Ancient history. But it was violence BECAUSE my analysis of the interests of my culture told me this is what "We the People" are more interested in than anything else.

Turns out Schaefer was scarcely your average SK. He was a graduate of college-level creative writing and criminal justice, graduate of police academy, and the very epitome of the modern "organized type" serial killer, according to Robert Ressler, who coined the phrase. [SEE: Whoever Fights Monsters.]

Schaefer's case was distinguished by his tendency to write about murder, and while working with him I encouraged him to develop his talents so that I could learn how his mind worked. Killer Fiction emerged from that process and the rest of that story is best learned by reading the book itself.

Schaefer turned me on to Ottis Toole, a cult killer, and I studied him for about five years. I recently posted a portion of my research on his case on my website. [You can find it.]

I did broaden my research to encompass correspondence with the likes of Gacy, Heirens, Bianchi, & others less well known. Again, this was not because I was a "groupie" or because I sought to strike up a romance with them, but because this was my self-assigned field of study. Everything I studied produced documentation (still a bit of the old techwriting nerd even now).

My work became the buzz on the Convict Hotline, and by the time the Gainesville Slasher was charged with five murders, I had written a screenplay called Escape from Death Row, which was shown to Danny Rolling. [NOT Rollings.]

He initiated contact with me and expressed admiration for my work. In his very first letter he offered me exclusive rights to his life story. And thus began my postgraduate-level education in Things I Never Wanted to Know.

Another digression here. Many SKs display a fractured identity; it's an occupational hazard. Studying multiple personality should have been just an academic exercise, but I immediately ran into all sorts of irrational hysteria surrounding its very existence. That too is "another story." But doing unauthorized groundbreaking research into that controversial topic was what gained me all my new unwanted attention, and it was those dedicated to protecting its secrets who were so busy at smearing my name, deconstructing my identity, and superimposing this whole "groupie" meme over my work. They did quite a professional job (ahem), didn't they?

What I have accomplished is in no way consistent with the meaning of the slur "groupie." I studied, I wrote, I published, and I cultivated an ability to withhold judgment to encourage extensive confidences from criminals nobody else could crack. [Including, notably, Robert Ressler.]

All this time the general public has been led to smirk and smarm over the distorted version of who I am, I continued to work closely with not only those guilty criminals who wanted to reveal their true stories via my good offices, but with members of law enforcement and academia who are not subject to such whimsical distractions.

This aspect of my work is hardly known, because I myself have not publicized it, and because there are no vested interests to benefit from giving me credit for my accomplishments.

Ann Rule is supposed to be the Queen of True Crime, but she only specializes in crowd-pleasers. She has never solved a case. There are no groupies anywhere who have worked with law enforcement to close unsolved cases.

It's well known that I was able to compile the ONLY complete, unabridged, accurate account of the five murders Rolling committed in Gainesville. Less well known is the voluminous Chronology I built to support my research. This too I have posted to in the interests of setting the record straigh. This Chronology was so superior to that composed by The State that The Defense used it as their bottom-line reference in the case. Not only did I exclusively reveal what happened, but I persisted through an incredible complex of opposition [punitive penury, stalking, death threats, both in and out of court] to delve into WHY it happened. I published The Making of a Serial Killer despite being sued by the State and told that I would never collect one cent for the five years I spent on this case. The Son of Sam Laws had already been declared unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court, and the facts of my case did not conform to the purpose of these laws. Still, Florida is its own little fiefdom, especially North Florida, which has never had any legitimate industry and has thus been a cesspool of perpetual corruption. I was unable to finance my own defense and went toe-to-toe with The Powers That Be, full of confidence that the Constitution and Supreme Court law guaranteed that not only a writer, but a felon, would have full protection from being punished by the State for publishing the truth. Another opportunity to advance my education in Things I Never Wanted to Know.

Relatively unknown is the triple murder in Louisiana that I was able to document, and there's yet another story untold here, of how law enforcement concealed these unpublished confessions while continuing to lay the blame on Hal Carter, the hapless attorney who had been engaged to one of the victims.

I assisted law enforcement in closing two of Schaefer's unsolved murders, as well as two of Toole's.

There was a great wave of "attention" from the mass media during the time my books were on the shelves; this was part of the concerted effort to obscure the significance of my work and it was, again, quite a PROFESSIONAL job. (ahem, AHEM!) It seemed so spontaneous. This is not the place for me to reveal what is really going on with that, who is driving it, or what their charter might be.

Because Feral House was not about to lift a finger to promote my books it then became incumbent upon me to indulge these many attempts to get me to participate in ruining my own career, in the name of "publicizing my books." I have been accused of "just wanting attention," and being a "media whore," but that is far from the case. Nobody knows how many requests for interviews I have refused. Nor the multiple mega-Entities, like Paramount Pictures, who attempted to buy my life story.

People who imagine it is possible to seek such attention and get it are clueless about how The Media actually works.

When I first started with the Schaefer story, I asked some industry friends of mine for advice on what to do with it. I was told I needed to get with Errol Morris. But I didn't. [I just can't seem to get with that whole "hat-in-hand" thing. Every book I have done came to me, as did every appearance I have done.]

Instead, pages from my first book, Knockin on Joe: Voices from Death Row, published in minuscule quantities in England, were faxed to Errol by his friends, and ignited his interest in interviewing me. He employed a circuitous mechanism to contact me, and thus began another five-year involvement with a remarkable unique personality.

Eventually the biopic Errol made about me was released. It was not like the things done by NBC Dateline, ABC News, Larry King, et al. It was real.

It would be petty for me to cavil about the piece. I only want to place one item on the record. There was a remark I made about "the Danny side of me," that was presented out of context and I can see how people take it to mean that like the SK that existed on the other side of the Danny I knew, I got off on violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The remark in context referred to how emotional Danny was compared to my own dispassionate nature, and how over the time I worked with him, he actually managed to bring out the emotional side of me that is so seldom seen. That's all I meant by "the Danny side of me."

It was a great privilege to work with the legendary Errol Morris, as well as the equally legendary Steve Dunleavy and the folks at A Current Affair, where I produced six exclusive stories, including one on the JFK Assassination. [SEE: Confession to Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK, on]

Well, look, folks, it's been fun but I really need to get back to work. I am still doing my research and writing, still solving cold cases, still taking confessions, but when my next books are released, they will be wholly owned by Sondra London (tm).

If you really want to learn about the kind of things I write about, I suggest you catch up on the Feral House books, so you will be ready to move to the next level when I am. Stay tuned, sportsfans. I'LL BE BACK.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Write Like David Foster Wallace

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

The value of money is determined by what it can buy. A healthy economy features a high volume of buying and selling. Each time a transaction takes place, the overall robustness of the economy is enhanced. When psychological factors impede the spending of money, the whole economy suffers. Fear and caution can be as powerful as actual insolvency in stopping the flow of currency. When resources are simply unavailable, there is no choice but to stop spending. It is when resources are limited that consideration of expenditures becomes critical to the health of the economy. Just as no individual can survive outside their environment, so no commercial enterprise can survive independent of the worldwide economy. Each part of the economy interacts with the whole, and what impacts one sector inevitably impacts the others. Although the impact of spending is often indirect, it is nevertheless powerful. The ability to acquire and use commodities, to produce and process goods, to provide services and information: all these functions depend upon a vigorous rate of exchange of currency. The expectation of a continuation of a high level of activity facilitates the kind of long-range planning and capital investments required to secure a prosperous future. Therefore, the importance of the role of the individual cannot be emphasized enough. Each person who realizes how important their decisions are to the world they live in brings us all that much closer to the healthy economical environment we all require to survive.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I write like James Joyce

I write like
James Joyce

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

He gave himself to you
Like a big bright birthday cake
With swirls of creamy icing
And candles you could never blow out

For a marriage he gave you a party
He danced and played the clown
Twisting balloons into hearts
And singing funny songs for the crowd

The guest of honor was the boy
You'd loved and desired all along
And while you laughed at your clown
You saved your secret smiles for the other one

When the tears streaked the grin
Your clown painted on for you
Even the muzzle in his mouth
Couldn't blow away the pain fast enough

So he took his bitter show on the road
Searching for his angel of light
But a demon found him first
And seduced him like a lover in the dark

Omatha, you're not guilty
But your faithless face haunted him
And those girls never knew what he meant
When he said, "Omatha, this one's for you."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Credentials: Certificate of Ordination


Fnord 89 In Code

Whenever I have tried to follow the advice of the CONSPIRACY about organizing against the stroke-scarcity economy ("89" in code), I have just wound up with new plastic bags for old. ~ Kerry Thornley, Factsheet Five #38


Monday, June 14, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

5x5: Playful

Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

The woman's eyes became fixed in an incredulous stare. Then suspicion climbed all over her face, like a kitten, but not so playful. ~ Raymond Chandler

From 5x5: Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

Monday, May 24, 2010


OK so this filmmaker hooked up with Sam Vaknin, the web-savvy self-proclaimed narcissist, & made a documentary film abt it. Towards the end of this short the filmmaker talks about being conned by Old Sam.



Sam has played me like a violin
but thats what real psychopaths are good at
so maybe i shouldn't feel so stupid
about getting caught up in his scam
it happens to the best of us

Most victims of psychopaths end up
thinking that they're the problem
that one can bully manipulate & con them
& rather than responding
by either leaving or fighting back
often they will take it say, he's right
everything he says about me is right
there's something
wrong with me
and i deserve this
the victims all have something in common
and that is, they're all human
everybody can be victimized
i hvb conned & manipulated by psychopaths
& i shd know better
but how do you know?
if we blv in the fundamental goodness of man
we're doomed

It is not pleasant to be a narcissist. The narcissist experiences all manner of depressive episodes and lesser dysphoric moods. He goes through a full panoply of mood disorders and anxiety disorders. He experiences panic from time to time. But he has a diminished capacity to empathise, so he rarely feels sorry for what he does. He almost never puts himself in the shoes of his "victims".

Sure, he feels distress if he is intelligent enough to realise that something is wrong with him. He compares himself to others and the outcome is never favourable. His grandiosity is one of the defence mechanisms that he uses to cover up for this disagreeable state of things. But its efficacy is partial and intermittent. The rest of the time, the narcissist is immersed in self-loathing and self-pity. He is under duress and distress most of his waking life.

The narcissist is a fossilized child trapped in the amber of his own defence mechanisms against progressively more hurts, paranoid and delusional with a sadistic impulse to control and revenge. This inner landscape is never-changing but, as he ages it is less exposed to the outside world.

The narcissist indulges the infantile idea: I am a child, no one will hurt me, I will be loved without any reservations. Such unconditional acceptance does not exist among adults and the fantasy constitutes a barrier to mature, adult relationships.

The narcissist regards himself as being on a constant mission, whose importance is cosmic and whose consequences are global. This self-misperception is not amenable to light-headedness or self-deprecation.

The narcissist is easily insulted. Even the most innocuous remarks are taken as belittling, intruding, or coercive.

The narcissist is dead serious about himself. He may have a scathing and cynical sense of humour, but he never laughs when the joke’s on him.

The narcissist defines a rigid, impenetrable, personal territory and is physically revolted when it is breached.

His time is more valuable than others'; therefore, it cannot be wasted on unimportant matters such as social intercourse. Any suggestion to help, any advice or concerned inquiry are immediately interpreted as coercion. Any attempt to set an agenda is seen as an intimidating act of enslavement.

If he feels intrusion and abuse of his precious time, he acts bored, disdainful, even angry. He is very impatient, easily bored, with strong attention deficits - unless he is the topic of discussion.

If asked to relate directly to his emotions, he will intellectualise, rationalise, speak about himself in the third person and in a detached "scientific" tone, as if he were a director or an actor in a movie about his life.

The narcissist's perception of his existence is discontinuous. He is a walking compilation of "people", each with its own personal history. Since he does not feel in any way related to his former "selves", he does not understand why he must be punished for actions done by someone else.

With the narcissist's detachment from his former selves, societal punishment breeds in him surprise, hurt and rage. He is baffled by society's insistence that he be punished for deeds perpetrated, as far as he is concerned, by a previous phase of his self, alien to his current self.

He feels wronged, hurt, affected by bias, discrimination and injustice. He rebels and rages. Depending upon the pervasiveness of his magical thinking, the narcissist may feel persecuted by ominous cosmic forces.

The narcissist plays host to an assemblage of personas. One is always in the "limelight". This is the persona that interfaces with the outside world, and which guarantees an optimal inflow of narcissistic Supply. This is the persona that minimises the resistance to the narcissist offered by his human environment.

The "Limelight Persona" is surrounded by "Shade Personas", ready to surface as needed. Their emergence depends on their usefulness.

An old persona might be rendered less useful by a confluence of events.

The narcissist is always changing his circumstances. He switches constantly and erratically between jobs, vocations, marriages, friendships, residences, lovers, and even enemies with startling swiftness.

The narcissist avoids "emotional handles": photographs, music identified with a certain period in his life, places, people, mementos and emotional situations.

The narcissist lives a borrowed life on borrowed time. Every place and time are sufficient but not necessary, merely transitory, leading only to the next unfamiliar environment. The narcissist feels that the end is always near.

He lives in rented apartments, is an illegal immigrant in many countries, works without the necessary permits and licenses, is fully mobile on a short notice, does not buy real estate or immovables. Peripatetic and itinerant, he travels light.

The narcissist distances himself from the communities he inhabits: his neighbourhood, city, state, nation; his religion and ethnic background; his friends and relatives.

The narcissist cultivates feelings of incompatibility with his surroundings. He considers himself superior to others and keeps criticizing people, institutions and situations.

He favors grandiose fantasies of professions in which he does not have to face a practical, rigorous and constant course of conduct. Without doing the hard work, he strives to "belong" and to be admired for his ability to ingratiate himself. For instance, in speaking with professionals, he uses the most obscure jargon to project an impression of exceptional intelligence.

The narcissist reacts very slowly to a changing environment. He is a pessimist, knows he will lose his job - so he is constantly engaged in constructing plausible alibis.

This yields a feeling of temporariness, which prevents engagement, involvement, commitment, dedication, identification and emotional hurt in case of change or failure.

The frequent change of vocations prevents the narcissist from having a clear career path and annuls the need to persevere. All the initiatives adopted by a narcissist are egocentric, sporadic and discrete. They focus on an aspect of the narcissist, are randomly distributed in space and in time, and do not form a thematic or other continuum - they are not goal or objective oriented.

Sometimes the narcissist engages in the construction of invented goals with no correlation with the real world. To avoid facing performance tests and to maintain grandiosity and uniqueness the narcissist refrains from acquiring technical skills and systematic knowledge. The Child in the narcissist is reaffirmed this way - because these are adult activities and attributes that are avoided.

The narcissist avoids success because it brings emotional involvement, it requires emotional investment. He shuns a success which obliges him to invest and to identify himself with some goal and emphasizes areas of activity in which he is unlikely to succeed.

The narcissist ignores the future and does not plan. He invests only the minimum energy necessary to keep his job. He under-performs; his work is shoddy, defective and incomplete. He evades responsibility and tends to pass it on to others while exercising little control. His decision-making processes are rigid. When he presents himself as a man of principles, he means his own whimsical moods.

narcissists are afraid of intimacy. Intimacy is the emotional involvement that develops with safe and stable interaction. It is formed not only within a romance, but also in a workplace, in a neighbourhood, in collaborating on a project. Intimacy is the very foundation of a successful career, project, or friendship.

narcissists interpret intimacy as strangulation, the snuffing of freedom, death in installments. narcissists are elated after they unshackle these "chains". They feel liberated, free at last.

In a vague way, he may even feel sorry for those upon whom he inflicts the consequences of his personality disorder. He knows they are not happy, and he knows it has something to do with him. He tells himself: they can never understand me, poor things, they are so inferior.

The narcissist, fearing and loathing intimacy, stability and security - yet craving them - approaches and then avoids significant others in apparently inconsistent episodes.

Sporadic sex with long intervals of avoidance encourages abandonment by frustrated emotional objects.

Sexual frigidity with significant other, abstinence or autoerotic practices, or sex with indifferent and undemanding objects, provides dis-intimization.

The aim of negative, offputting behaviours is to test whether the narcissist's uniqueness will override and offset them in the mind of the object.

He likes to talk about himself and only about himself. He is disinterested in what others have to tell him about themselves. He might pretend to be interested - but this is only with a potential Source of narcissistic Supply.

To the narcissist, objects have no autonomous existence except as primary and secondary sources of narcissistic supply. Knowledge and intelligence serve as control mechanisms and extractors of adulation and attention.

The narcissist employs the twin mechanism of idealisation and devaluation. The former helps him attach to his new-found source of supply; the latter is used to detach from a source once its usefulness has been exhausted.

The Object of his attention may be used to recreate early life conflicts: The narcissist is bad and asks to be punished anew and to have confirmation that people are angry at him.

The object is kept emotionally distant through deterrence and is constantly tested by the narcissist who reveals his negative sides to the object.

The object experiences emotional absence, repulsion, deterrence, and insecurity. It is thus encouraged not to develop emotional involvement with the narcissist, as involvement requires feedback. The erratic and demanding relationship with the narcissist is experienced as a burden. It is punctuated by a series of "eruptions" followed by relief.

The narcissist is imposing, intrusive, compulsive, and tyrannical. Reality is interpreted cognitively so that negative aspects - real and imagined - of the object will be highlighted.

This preserves distance, fosters uncertainty, prevents emotional involvement and activates narcissistic mechanisms such as grandiosity which, in turn, increase the repulsion and aversion of the partner.

Another Emotional Involvement Prevention Mechanism is anhedonia, a constant boredom and lack of enthusiasm, a wish to "be free", to hop from one subject matter or object to another, with laziness, fatigue, dysphoria to the point of depression - low energies leading to reclusiveness, detachment.

Envy, rage, cynicism, vulgar frankness are all externalised forms of aggression that contribute to dis-intimization and pathological emotional and sexual communication.

The narcissist displays haughty body language, with a physical posture exuding an air of superiority, seniority, hidden powers, mysteriousness, amused indifference, etc. Rarely does the narcissist engage in eye contact and normally he refrains from bodily contact or physical proximity. he refrains from engaging in a discussion unless from a state of condescension, faked "magnanimity and largesse". He rarely mingles socially and prefers to adopt the stance of the "observer" or the "lone wolf".

The narcissist displays a sense of entitlement. He immediately asks for "special treatment" of some kind: not to wait for his turn, to have a longer or a shorter therapeutic session, to talk directly to authority figures, not to their assistants or secretaries. He wants to have special payment terms, custom tailored arrangements, special attention by the head waiter in a restaurant and so on. He reacts with rage and indignantly if denied his wishes.

The narcissist instantly idealises or devalues. Depending on his appraisal of the potential Source of narcissistic Supply, he either flatters, adores, admires and applauds the "target" in an embarrassingly exaggerated and profuse manner - or he sulks, abuses and humiliates. In the latter case (devaluation) he may force himself to be polite, because of proximity to a Supply Source. But this barbed sort of politeness degenerates into displays of abuse, rage, or cold detachment; this process being totally out of the control of the narcissist.

The narcissist prefers show-off to substance. One of the most effective methods of exposing a narcissist is by trying to go deeper and discuss substantial matters. The narcissist is shallow, a pond pretending to be an ocean. He likes to think of himself as a Renaissance man, a Jack of all knowledge. A narcissist will never admit to ignorance IN ANY FIELD!

Very often, the narcissist lies or fantasises in a manner very easy to discern. The narcissist brags. He name-drops. His speech is peppered with "I", "my", "myself", "mine" and other appropriating linguistic structures. He describes himself as intelligent, or rich, or modest, or intuitive, or creative - always extraordinarily so. His biography is implausibly rich and complex, incommensurate with his age, education, or recognition, and his actual state is incompatible with his claims.

The gap between the projected image of charisma, knowledge, grandiosity, and fantasy and the actual achievements gives the narcissist a feeling that he is a fraud, living an unreal life in a movie-like setting. This then gives rise to an ominous sensation of threat and a compensating sense of immunity.

5x5 Be Heard

Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

From 5x5: Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010


This clip from a documentary filmed in 1976 by Mel Bridges shows Sondra London with her band T'onda at Rose's Cantina in Atlanta, performing an original tune called Somethinaboucha.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I Got It

This clip from a documentary filmed in 1976 by Mel Bridges shows Sondra London riffing on the Kiki Dee hit, I Got the Music In Me.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Be Real

This clip from a documentary filmed in 1976 by Mel Bridges shows Sondra London reciting an original poem at the beach.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Be Normal

This clip from a documentary filmed in 1976 by Mel Bridges shows Sondra London demonstrating her vintage word processing skills on an old Wang sporting two tape drives, and using the office copier to enhance her home decor, while her father speaks of his wish for his wayward daughter to settle down & be normal.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

That Straight Life

This clip from a


filmed in 1976

by Mel Bridges

shows Sondra London

reading the lyrics

to an original song

called That Straight Life.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Still Alive

This clip from a


filmed in 1976

by Mel Bridges

shows Sondra

London in studio

recording the

vocal track to

an original song

called Hard

Times, an homage

to Jimmy Cliff's

Harder They


Sunday, May 9, 2010


A Lesser Fnord of Discordia Prophetica


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010


He gave himself to you
Like a big bright birthday cake
With swirls of creamy icing
And candles you could never blow out

For a marriage he gave you a party
He danced and played the clown
Twisting balloons into hearts
And singing funny songs for the crowd

The guest of honor was the boy
You'd loved and desired all along
And while you laughed at your clown
You saved your secret smiles for the other one

When the tears streaked the grin
Your clown painted on for you
Even the muzzle in his mouth
Couldn't blow away the pain fast enough

So he took his bitter show on the road
Searching for his angel of light
But a demon found him first
And seduced him like a lover in the dark

Omatha, you're not guilty
But your faithless face haunted him to death
And those girls never knew what he meant
When he said, 'Omatha, this one's for you.'


Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

From 5x5: Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5x5 420DAY

Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

There are 100,000 total
marijuana smokers in the US,
& most are Negroes,
Hispanics, Filipinos,
& entertainers.
Their Satanic music,
jazz, & swing, result
from marijuana use.
This marijuana causes
white women to seek
sexual relations with
Negroes, entertainers,
& any others.

From 5x5: Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Resist Much: A Lesser Fnord of Discordia Prophetica

Walt Whitman’s Caution

To the States, or Any One of Them,
Or to Any City of the States:
Once Unquestioning Obedience, Once Fully Enslaved;
Once Fully Enslaved, no Nation, State, City of this Earth
Ever Afterward Resumes its Liberty.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

There be 5x5 ways
for words to
w each other
free from the
straits of commitment

we be free!

From 5x5: Fnordication of Discordia Prophetica

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The Life of Crime has inspired a great canon, upon which a gluttony of PhDs could be conglomerated.

Others argue that the making of Top Ten Lists is the appropriate response to such a preposterous phenomenon.

These Top Tunes are selected with whimsy & abandon, slighting the classics to favor the more obscure renditions.




Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Crazy Little Place Called Jail

TOP TEN TUNES for Rocking the Jailhouse Down

WITH THE #1 BEST IN SHOW: Jailhouse Tears

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Place They Call Death Row

Thursday, March 4, 2010


A Lesser Fnord of Discordia Prophetica


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A Lesser Fnord of Discordia Prophetica